Friday, October 13, 2006

There is no Gay tea

I have discovered that there is no gay tea. I was told that Darjeeling tea is gay. I did not believe the person who told me so I had to find out. I emailed Twinings.


I have been a fan of your teas for a good 40 years. I generally drink morning Breakfast tea with the occasional Ceylon when I am in the mood.

I have a dilemma at the moment however. I have tried to speak to many people but without any success so I thought it best to contact Twinings directly.

I have recently discovered that my youngest son is Gay. He lives in Australia so I do not get to see him all that often. The news came as a surprise to me, I'm not as old fashioned as my sister for example so this isnt really a problem.

He is coming over to visit my wife and I at the end of March - he is even bringing his partner.

One of the first things that I will offer is a cup of tea. I have been told that Gay people are partial to certain teas such as Darjeeling or Earl Grey. I am not sure about this and do not want to cause offence. Can you please give me some insight into this? I don't wan't to offend him with the wrong sort of tea and am not sure if my usual favourites would be apt.

I have not seen him for a while so it will be a special occasion - I really want to make it perfect. Do you have any information from your gay customers regarding what kinds of teas that they are partial to?

I know this is odd but really do appreciate your help.

Best regards,



From: Customer Services
To: Patrick Pigeon
Date: Feb 16, 2006 11:30 AM
Subject: Response from Twinings

Dear Patrick,

Thank you for your recent contact regarding Twinings.

I can confirm for you that there is no conclusive evidence that sexual preference has any links to preferred flavours and types of teas. We are sure that whatever blend of tea you make your son he will most appreciate.

If you have any other queries that we may be able to help, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind Regards

Hannah Morrison
Customer Services
R Twining & Co Ltd


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